Verifone is a mobile payment service provider headquartered in San Jose, California. Francisco Partners acquired Verifone in 2018 and plans to expand into general payment solutions and e-commerce in 2020.
Verifone’s last listed address was 88 West Plumeria Drive, San Jose, CA 95134, United States. They do not disclose the partner banks that it processes its payments through.
Costs & Contract: Does not hire independent sales agents and has received many public complaints regarding its services.
Verifone offers a subscription model for its credit card processing, allowing its customers to take a lower transaction rate by adding a $9.95 monthly fee to their account.
Verifone merchant account contracts are not available online, but merchants are encouraged to leave comments below describing their experience.
There are several complaints related to the POS systems offered by Verifone, such as hardware issues and poor performance.
We have not found any outstanding class-action lawsuits or FTC complaints filed against Verifone Bank.
Verifone offers phone support 8am-8pm Mon-Sat and 10am-5pm Sundays. Verifone does not offer email support, but offers live chat support through its website.
According to the Better Business Bureau Verifone has received 17 complaints in the past 36 months. The company has received 10 complaints that were not resolved to the satisfaction of the merchant.
Your BBB has determined that work-at-home offers are fraudulent and the employee’s must purchase iTunes, Amazon or eBay gift cards in order to purchase office supplies.
According to the Federal Trade Commission, a big income working from home requires an up-front fee or credit card information.
The BBB’s Verifone merchant profile has 18 informal negative reviews, most of which are about this scam.
From the information we gathered about sales positions at Verifone, we found no indication that they use sales teams outside of their company.
Verifone was a physical POS-focused company that we can recommend for physical POS systems. We are unsure how they will perform under the new holding company.
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